28 Days of Grace – Day 4 – it hits!

Ok, today I have a funky headache like thing going on…not quite painful like a migraine, but with all the pressure of a migraine.
Light and noise don’t bother me, but I am having trouble focusing my eyes.

The only thing I have right now is “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”
And, if hanging on Jesus is the only thing I have…then I have everything I need.

Cleansing my life from toxins is painful….
For years I didn’t take getting rid of grains, sugar and dairy seriously!
Cleansing my life from besetting sins would be painful if I would work on it…seriously,
Cleansing my life from besetting sins IS painful…the reason those sins are besetting is that we are drawn to them…

So, today, I am suffering the pain of toxins washing out of my system.
Do I like it? No.
Can I see the benefit? Yes.
Will I stay the course? By God’s grace, yes I will – both physically and spiritually.
I just need to remember that this is part of the storm…and I’m supposed to be keeping my eyes on Jesus!

Not sure what else I’ll post today, but at least, I have posted for the day!

Evening Addition:]
What else?
well, we ran to WalMart, and they had a sweet lady handing out samples….and I caved!
what were the samples?
no – fresh fruit! I forgot that I was not to be eating fruit yet on these 28 days….
I suppose that tiny cup with a blue berry, a black berry and two slices of strawberry won’t totally derail my program.
But, I thought it…I really did think it!
Therefore…I had to lean on God’s GRACE to let it go!
If this wasn’t these 28 days, that would have been one of the best samples to pick up in a grocery store!

In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7

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