Tag Archives: inspiration

Prepping for Tenacious Texas Test of Toughness 2014-

I wrote Welcome 2014 almonst a month ago.
Since that time, I have made a choice to move at least 15 minutes a day, for 100 days – heading to 30, based on the Penguin’s Challenge.

The first few days were rough…5-10 minutes 3 times.
It is only three weeks to the Tenacious Texas Test of Toughness meet up…and I feel like I am a non-athlete. I do not want to go, because I will not fit in…everyone on this NerdFitness forum is DOING SOMETHING. I am trying to just WALK!!!

side note – I had to get back involved with Nerd Fitness because my daughter, my new coach, insisted that I get into a group for accountability. I have avoided this group since my epic failure almost 2 years ago.

By orders of my coach, I am using My Fitness Pal app to track my calories.

I pulled out Map My Walk app, and started to time myself on:
1/8/2014. .26 mile in 7:38 min. I didn’t even bother to calculate the speed. That wasn’t the only dog walk…but, it was a walk.
(computations done at unit juggler)
I pulled out my heart rate monitor, and decided to try a new thing…fasting lower intensity cardio…keeping my HR down to fat burning levels for a fasting period of time.
A.M. Fat burn discusses the pros and cons…and I am doing this to help mobilize the fat out of my liver….and other places. Your mileage may vary

1/9/2014 – I walked a mile for the first time in several years. 1.18 in 26:11. 2.3 mph. Not 5k race material…but a start. I got the 30 minutes in one stretch. I paused the app when the dog had to stop!

1/10/2014 – 1.16 in 25:39. 2.4 mph
1/11/2014 – .83 in 26.57. for some reason that comes up as 2.3mph.
1/12/2014 – I spent hours and hours walking sideways spackling and painting the apartment walls. didn’t take a ‘walk’ – but I got my “30 minutes” in!
1/13/2014 – I CAN’T MOVE! my legs and back are in so much pain that I can barely move myself. Freaking out that I hurt myself AGAIN, but then, dear husband remembered what I did the day before…. that spackling and painting…to the right, to the right, next room, to the right…I just hurt because I worked!

For Monday and Tuesday, 1/13 and 1/14, dog walks added up to 30 minutes, plus stretches…and attempts at squats.

Now we are up to:
1/15/2014 1.15 in 29:30. THAT’S 2.06 MPH!!! I’M WORSE!!! Oh wait – this was recovery from all that pain from Monday! Ok, so I don’t freak out. much.
1/16/2014 – Clean the apartment. My friend, DEAR friend, Mitzi came with me to clean the apartment. 2 hours in the AM, 2 hours in the PM…I got my workout in. No walk, specifically, other than walking the dog!
1/17/2014 – 1.08 in 34:06. 1.71 mph – but I knew that I had forgotten to pause the time when someone stopped to talk to me. I’m ok with this timing.
1/18 and 1/19 were spent at Florida’s RV show…walking around the State Fairgrounds.
Again – I got my walking in…just not documented.
1/20 No idea, I guess I rested…but got the 30 minutes in stretches and strength, and dog walks combined.
1/21/2014 – .52 and .4 – a mile split in two – I got my 30 minutes in…and almost a mile (and definitely if you count the other short dog walks!)

So now I am up to the day we are to fly out to Dallas – and I am still nervous.

  • I have not done any lifting.
  • I have not done any squats.
  • I have not walked a 5k(which was my goal, set to hit on May 31st…or do some Memorial Day 5k).
  • I am fat.
  • I am old.
  • I am certain I will not fit in.
  • I was falling into a deep dive of depression…and trying to figure out how to get out of going. If it wasn’t for our friends hosting this gig, I may have bowed out!


On the upside…

  • I have completed 20 days of Paleo in preparation.
  • I have done movement for 21 days…and
  • I have added some other goals to this plan.

I am improving myself, by God’s grace, Jim’s support, Rachel’s guidance, and some help from some new friends at Nerd Fitness.

Next – What happened in Texas?

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,

Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear.
If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation.
If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” – from My Utmost for His highest

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Barbs Drawing

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