Day 11 of 100 days to a spiritual walk

I have been rushing around getting ready to travel to Germany…and to be honest, some of my spiritual walk went by the wayside.
Multiple calls to multiple places for multiple letters, certifications, papers, and policies…many of which were completely ignored during this travel period. Money, money, money…time, time, time.

As the months moved to weeks, I realized that I was not getting things done. As I’ve written before, I made other choices…sometimes bad, sometimes neutral, but not always choosing the choices that would move me ahead on the planning and packing for this trip to Germany, the move into the RV, and then the trip to Ohio.

Now I am in Germany. Early in the morning, I take Gabriel out for a walk in an almost pristine forest as the sun rises over the hill. Back home, I didn’t have time to just go walk, and worship God as the sun came up.

Now, I am in Germany. I sit and play with my grandson for as long as he’s happy(crying babies go back to their mommies!). Back home, I didn’t have time to just sit with Jim, and smile, and laugh, and bond.

Now, I am in Germany. I look over the villages, and just drink in the beauty of the landscape, and wonder at the talents of the people here. Back home, I would see things as I ‘flew’ by, on my way to get things done.

It may have taken 11 days to figure out my next step to a spiritual walk, but i think it is “Slow Down” and “Be Still”. Rest for my soul….I have found it. and it is in Jesus.

Thanks for joining me in this journey….
In His hands and under His wings,

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