People of the Bible – Joseph

The story of Joseph takes up a rather large part of Geneses.
If you include the whole story about how his father ended up with the wrong wife…and had to work for 7 more years to get to marry Rachel, Joseph’s story is HUGE!

Sister Wives – the original series! Rachel and Leah used their children to win favors with Israel/Jacob. Trading mandrakes from one’s son to win time in Israel’s tent just seems wrong.
Israel loved Rachel more than Leah, and loved Joseph more than the other sons. To prove it, he set Joseph up with a very colorful coat. One that could be seen a long way off! Distance that enabled a bun ch of jealous boys to plan a way to rid themselves from this favoritism!

Everyone assumes that Joseph shared his dreams in an arrogant fashion. I don’t read it that way in the Bible. I think that is an added, personal projection by the reader upon Joseph’s actions.
“what do these dreams mean?”
Apparently, his brothers and his father KNEW what those dreams meant…and they reprimanded him FOR HAVING THOSE DREAMS! The poor boy, he’s lost his mom, he’s got funky dreams going on, and no one to share them.

With all that going on, and actually listening to your brothers discuss whether they are going to kill you or sell you, I’m thinking that those dreams didn’t seem very real right then.

Did Joseph lose hope? He was raised up in Potipher’s house, in the Jail, and eventually in Pharoah’s house. The dreams indicated that his family would be bowing down…and his family is no where to be around.

I have dreams and visions that I believe that God has given me. When they haven’t come to pass as I think they should, I start to second guess myself…”did I hear that right? ” “did I make that up?” “did I just want something bigger to happen?”
And, then, “who do I think I am that God could use me?”

Joseph went to jail – falsely accused. Everything, except this woman’s lies, acknowledged that Joseph was an outstanding slave. This powerful person’s lies ‘destroys’ Joseph’s life.

I’ve been falsely accused by people that know the truth. The lies are so interwoven into the fabric of our lives that without God’s divine intervention, there is no way to clean up the mess. The lies can, and probably will effect some effectiveness of God’s ability to use me. Then again, God put Joseph in the prison for a time, and in order to get him set up for the real placement – at Pharoah’s right hand.

The last two years of foot and ankle and elbow surgeries have left me feeling like I’ve been in jail. I have not handled myself like Joseph – and I have not been put in charge of my ‘prison’, but that will end today. Is 58 talks about a fast that God can get behind…and part of the reason for that fast is to set the captives free.

Many people that were in concentration camps, death camps, held captive for one reason or another have said that the victory came when they realized that no one can jail their spirits! I have allowed the physical ailments to jail my spirit – to hold me back – to hold me down. I am allowing these things to keep me in a box, and I am not someone that fits into a preconceived box!

When Joseph settled in to his new life, married, two kids, then God brought about the fulfillment of the dreams. Then his brothers came and bowed down before him – like bundles of grain bowing to the one that would prevent their starvation.

I don’t know what will come about with the dreams and visions that I have had, but I know that I have to keep my eyes on the prize.
Ultimately, God used Joseph, and a famine, to bring the Israelites into the land of Goshen…setting them up for a prison of slavery…so that HE could set them free in a mighty way.

I can’t see
what God is doing with me.
I can only choose to be
everything God created in me
flowing, growing and yeildedly free.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

“The Lord does not give me rules, but He makes His standard very clear. If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation. If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him, namely, myself.” – from My Utmost for His highest

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