The First 100 days – Day 63 – Minimalism

Our journey here in 2011, in Texas, and in moving full time into an RV, was enhanced by a very unique post. The author is Francine Jay. Her blog is Miss Minimalist, Living a Beautiful Life with Less Stuff.

The first post I read, A Short Guide to Consumer Disobedience…stirred up the rebel in me, the desire to NOT conform to the pulls of this world.

I live a minimalist lifestyle for many reasons: for example, I love the freedom, the flexibility, and the financial benefits of not owning a lot of stuff.

But I must admit, it’s also a chance to indulge my inner rebel. I’ve been a straight-A student, model employee, and overall law-abiding citizen; yet when it comes to consumerism, I can’t resist my desire to stick it to the man.

Today, I found Miss Minimalist’s New Year’s challenge, The Year of the Butterfly.

The small butterfly
moves as though unburdened by
the world of desire

-Haiku by Kobayashi Issa
Today marks the first day of the Chinese New Year, which according to their lunar calendar is the Year of the Rabbit.

Well, I’d like to propose a special New Year for us minimalists: let’s make this the Year of the Butterfly.

I enjoy her writing, and philosophy so much, I purchased her book, The Joy of Less.

Less Stuff = More Joy

Having less stuff is the key to happiness. Do you ever feel overwhelmed, instead of overjoyed by all your possessions?  Do you secretly wish a gale force wind would blow the clutter from your home?  If so, it’s time to simplify your life!

While I do not agree that having less stuff is the key to happiness – since I believe that JESUS in our hearts, and right relationship with Him is the KEY – I do agree that past that, our stuff holds us hostage.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…NOT THINGS!

Things as idols….that could make hoarding idolatry…and this has been a big issue for me as I’ve downsized!

Does this clutter make me look fat? – Peter Walsh from TLC’s Clean Sweep wrote a book called Does this clutter make my butt look fat?
I haven’t read it, because I’ve been afraid of what it might say!  The point is, clutter and hoarding in any area of your(my) life tends to excess. Keeping three copies of one book…why?  Eating three hamburgers instead of one…why?  Who needs it?

So, my biggest challenge has been cleaning away the emotions connected to the things…which is also part of the point of learning about emotional eating.  Binge eating is just the same as binge buying, or binge hoarding.  It’s BINGE – more than I need. Do I hear the word GLUTTONY???

So, I’m off to learn more about minimalism in so many areas…and to learn, in a new way that:

Phil 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

In fact…Phil 4 is a great chapter to read, and reread to learn what to focus upon.

Phil 4:20 Now unto God and our Father [be] glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Thanks for joining me in this journey,
In His hands and under His wings,
Ps 63:7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

I’d love to hear what you think – please leave a comment! Or ‘like’ me! Or follow me with the RSS feed.

  1. 100 days of moving challenge – day 63
  2. 100 days challenge- blog – check
  3. 25 verses in 52 weeks – Ps 15:3-5(didn’t set up verse 4)
  4. 90 days Bible Reading – Isaiah – very behind.
  5. 50 days T-Tapp – ???

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